Thursday, June 12, 2008

What a month!!

Can I just say that it has been quite the month since Brody was born? 5 days after I was released from the hospital I was readmitted with 104 degree fever and infection. I was in the hospital 8 days. Brody was released 2 days later and the two of us went to stay at my moms since Ryan and the girls were sick. Sunday night Ryan was getting ready to take us home and I had a lot of pressure on my incision and looked to find it red and leaking. Needless to say--back to the hospital. After waiting 7 hrs in the ER I had one of the OB residents that helped with my surgery come to look at it. He popped the abscess(which was disgusting, packed it and wrapped it up). We headed home finally at 5am on Monday morning. Then on Wednesday morning at about 3:30 am Brody stopped breathing and turned blue. We had to call 911, which was a first for me. They took us to Mendy's Place at John C Lincoln Hospital, which was worthless. I have never been more frustrated at the inept medical profession. We were transferred to St Joseph's cause they were better equipped to handle premature babies and some of my fears were put at ease. They are taking very good care of him. We are not sure how long he will be in there. He is having trouble keeping his oxygen level up. Thanks again to everyone for their prayers and support.


Michelle Price said...

Sorry things have been so crazy for you guys. I bet you are very tired of hospitals! You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.

~LisaLou~ said...

Thanks for updating your blog. Sorry you guys are having such a stressful time. We hope Brody will get healthy soon. What can I do to help? Carly got out for summer today, so my schedule isn't as tight as it was, so let me know what you need...housecleaning, babysitting, meals. (I can make a mean shepherd's pie or quick dial a pizza!)
Love you guys and we'll keep you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, i am glad you are out. Hopefully Brody will get better soon. Just wanted to tell you we almost killed our dog when we came to see you. By the time we got to the car he was barely moving. I felt horrible. i will send you the pix of Brody i took on my phone. I love you. Jess

our little family said...

We are glad you guys have a blog to keep us all updated! Your kids are so stinkin' cute! Sorry to hear about Brody. We hope that he gets better soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

JR and Steph said...

I'm sorry you guys have had to go through so much. We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers!
Love you guys,
Stephanie and JR